What exactly is so special about MLA and why has their Golf Tour Classic been voted the third most wanted putter overall and second most wanted mallet putter in a poll carried out by My Golf Spy?
There has to be a good reason why MLA are ranking well above other major names such as TaylorMade and Wilson. So what is it, what is so special about the technology MLA are using to forge ahead in what is an extremely competitive market place? After all, being able to putt is almost the Holy Grail of golf, and we all know what lies behind the expression ‘Drive for show, putt for dough’.
The answer is very straightforward, while the science behind it might be slightly more complex. In the simplest of terms, MLA have produced a putter which maximizes our brain’s potential to see a putt’s line more clearly - to compute all the visual information more accurately. In other words, MLA putters talk to your brain in a way no other putters do. Combine this with the ability to weight the putter perfectly to suit your posture, balance and height, and the results have been truly outstanding.
To understand what we are talking about, just look at the top if any MLA putter and you will see the co-ordination-enhancing design which is intended to use the optimum number of sensors in your brain to compute all the necessary information needed to putt successfully, while avoiding overloading your brain with unnecessary information. When putting we think we only take into account distance, length of grass, moisture on the green’s surface and undulations before striking the ball, however scientists see something completely different. While most aspects are subjective, it is the line of a putt that is critical, and striking the ball along that line consistently and accurately has been proven to be a major part of MLA’s success in creating a world-class range of putters.

All lines are parallel, but our brain tells us otherwise.
Changing perspective gives a feeling of parallelism.
MLA Putters has worked very closely with Dr Lennart Högman, PhD, who has studied the perceptual process for more than 20 years. He has performed studies that have revised the science involved between what we as humans perceive, and how our motor skills react accordingly. According to Dr Högman:
“An alignment system that acts upon multiple line detectors is a key to obtain
veridical motion perception and a perfect in-line stroke surface.” In other words, MLA’s putters talk to our brain more clearly than other putters.
As a consequence
MLA’s designs for their innovative range of putters has ensured that unlike so many other
putters, theirs achieves this objective with greater and more frequent accuracy.
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